Saturday, 30 April 2011

an education quotes

an education quotes

an education quotes an education quotes an education quotes

an education quotes an education quotes an education quotes

A hypochondriac is one who has a pill for everything except what ails him. ~Mignon McLaughlin, The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966

Whether he likes it or not, a man�s character is stripped at the poker table; if the other players read him better than he does, he has only himself to blame. Unless he is both able and prepared to see himself as others do, flaws and all, he will be a loser in cards, as in life. ~Anthony Holden

There are three things extremely hard: steel, a diamond, and to know one's self. ~Benjamin Franklin

Coquetry whets the appetite; flirtation depraves it. Coquetry is the thorn that guards the rose - easily trimmed off when once plucked. Flirtation is like the slime on water-plants, making them hard to handle, and when caught, only to be cherished in slimy waters. ~Ik Marvel Corn can't expect justice from a court composed of chickens. ~African Proverb

Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not in books alone, but in every leaf in spring-time. ~Martin Luther

The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. ~Henry David Thoreau, Walden

Lots of folks confuse bad management with destiny. ~Kin Hubbard

I think sometimes could I only have music on my own terms, could I live in a great city, and know where I could go whenever I wished the ablution and inundation of musical waves, that were a bath and a medicine. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

There's another powerful benefit of skipping which is that it adds joy and positive energy to the world. Seeing adults consumed by the joy of skipping sends a compelling message about the power of the spirit over fear. When you learn to turn off your logical mind and get lost in the spirit of skipping, it's like exercising a muscle that will help you deal with other fears. As external events become increasingly intense, that kind of inner strength will be more important than ever. ~Kim Corbin, founder of

Paraphrase: a restating of something in other, especially simpler, words.

Proof of our society's decline is that Halloween has become a broad daylight event for many. ~Robert Kirby

I would rather walk with God in the dark than go alone in the light. ~Mary Gardiner Brainard

There are only ten minutes in the life of a pear when it is perfect to eat. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I wish someone would have told me that, just because I'm a girl, I don't have to get married. ~Marlo Thomas

To hear some men talk of the government, you would suppose that Congress was the law of gravitation, and kept the planets in their places. ~Wendell Phillips, Orations, Speeches, Lectures and Letters

Well-timed silence hath more eloquence than speech. ~Martin Farquhar Tupper, "Of Discretion," Proverbial Philosophy

Philosophy begins in wonder. And, at the end, when philosophic thought has done its best, the wonder remains. ~Alfred North Whitehead

There is a bit of insanity in dancing that does everybody a great deal of good. ~Edwin Denby

A good holiday is one spent among people whose notions of time are vaguer than yours. ~John B. Priestly

It's about ten times the size of the Bible - and unlike the Bible, contains no good news. ~Don Nickles, about the Internal Revenue Code

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