Friday, 29 April 2011

cacharel amor amor absolu

cacharel amor amor absolu

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Experience is not what happens to a man. It is what a man does with what happens to him. ~Aldous Leonard Huxley, Texts and Pretexts, 1932

Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. ~Edsger W. Dijkstra

Even hundredfold grief is divisible by love. ~Terri Guillemets

I reckon being ill as one of the great pleasures of life, provided one is not too ill and is not obliged to work till one is better. ~Samuel Butler, The Way of All Flesh, 1903

The birds are molting. If only man could molt also - his mind once a year its errors, his heart once a year its useless passions. ~James Allen

One may miss the mark by aiming too high as too low. ~Thomas Fuller

Wish for nothing so much that you forget to make it come true. ~Jeb Dickerson,

Cats have intercepted my footsteps at the ankle for so long that my gait, both at home and on tour, has been compared to that of a man wading through low surf. ~Roy Blount, Jr.

I remember a hundred lovely lakes, and recall the fragrant breath of pine and fir and cedar and poplar trees. The trail has strung upon it, as upon a thread of silk, opalescent dawns and saffron sunsets. It has given me blessed release from care and worry and the troubled thinking of our modern day. It has been a return to the primitive and the peaceful. Whenever the pressure of our complex city life thins my blood and benumbs my brain, I seek relief in the trail; and when I hear the coyote wailing to the yellow dawn, my cares fall from me - I am happy. ~Hamlin Garland, McClure's, February 1899

With the pride of the artist, you must blow against the walls of every power that exists the small trumpet of your defiance. ~Norman Mailer

Unbeing dead isn't being alive. ~e.e. cummings

When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die. ~Jean-Paul Sartre

Short A: See the quote glossary for 70+ terms and definitions.

Relying on the government to protect your privacy is like asking a peeping tom to install your window blinds. ~John Perry Barlow

There is something in sickness that breaks down the pride of manhood. ~Charles Dickens

A good book is always on tap; it may be decanted and drunk a hundred times, and it is still there for further imbibement. ~Holbrook Jackson

What boots up must come down. ~Author Unknown

I cultivate my garden, and my garden cultivates me. ~Robert Brault,

Women are like dogs really. They love like dogs, a little insistently. And they like to fetch and carry and come back wistfully after hard words, and learn rather easily to carry a basket. ~Mary Roberts Rinehart

Statistics may be defined as "a body of methods for making wise decisions in the face of uncertainty." ~W.A. Wallis

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