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Restore human legs as a means of travel. Pedestrians rely on food for fuel and need no special parking facilities. ~Lewis Mumford
Journalism - a profession whose business it is to explain to others what it personally does not understand. ~Lord Northcliffe
The crown of literature is poetry. It is its end and aim. It is the sublimest activity of the human mind. It is the achievement of beauty and delicacy. The writer of prose can only step aside when the poet passes. ~W. Somerset Maugham
We run away all the time to avoid coming face to face with ourselves. ~Author Unknown
In religion and politics, people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination. ~Mark Twain
I love quotations because it is a joy to find thoughts one might have, beautifully expressed with much authority by someone recognized wiser than oneself. ~Marlene Dietrich
Grown don't mean nothing to a mother. A child is a child. They get bigger, older, but grown? What's that suppose to mean? In my heart it don't mean a thing. ~Toni Morrison, Beloved, 1987
People are not disturbed by things, but by the view they take of them. ~Epictetus
Man desired concord; but nature knows better what is good for his species; she desires discord. Man wants to live easy and content; but nature compels him to leave ease... and throw himself into roils and labors. ~Immanuel Kant, Idea for a Universal History with a Cosmopolitan Purpose, 1787
A good teacher must know the rules; a good pupil, the exceptions. ~Martin H. Fischer
Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without. ~Chinese Proverb
History is a symphony of echoes heard and unheard. It is a poem with events as verses. ~Charles Angoff
The forceps of our minds are clumsy things and crush the truth a little in the course of taking hold of it. ~H.G. Wells
What greater gift than the love of a cat? ~Charles Dickens
Today is the tomorrow we worried about yesterday. ~Author Unknown
A painting is what you make of it, besides which, 'Moon, Weeping' has a better ring to it than 'Paintbrush, Dripping.' ~Robert Brault,
One doesn't know, till one is a bit at odds with the world, how much one's friends who believe in one rather generously, mean to one. ~D.H. Lawrence
Fathers and sons are much more considerate of one another than mothers and daughters. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
All my life I had been looking for something, and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what it was. I accepted their answers too, though they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory. I was naive. I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I, and only I, could answer. It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with: that I am nobody but myself. ~Ralph Ellison, "Battle Royal"
Think of bicycles as rideable art that can just about save the world. ~Grant Peterson
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